
1 准备环境

1.1 设置主机名

[root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname pyrk-taos

[root@localhost ~]# hostname

1.2 安装组件

[root@pyrk-taos ~]# yum -y install gcc gcc-c++

[root@pyrk-taos ~]#yum -y install zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-devel libffi-devel

[root@pyrk-taos ~]yum -y install wget

1.3 安装PYTHON

1.3.1 下载
[root@pyrk_taos ~]# mkdir /usr/local/python3
[root@pyrk_taos ~]# cd /usr/local/python3/


[root@pyrk_taos python3]# wget

[root@pyrk_taos python3]# ll
total 22144
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22673115 Oct  3  2017 Python-3.6.3.tgz

1.3.2 编译、安装


[root@pyrk_taos python3]# tar -xvf Python-3.6.3.tgz


[root@pyrk_taos python3]# cd Python-3.6.3 
[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python3
[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# make
[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# make install


[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# ll /usr/local/python3/bin
total 24744
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        8 Sep  7 17:04 2to3 -> 2to3-3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      109 Sep  7 17:04 2to3-3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      250 Sep  7 17:04 easy_install-3.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        7 Sep  7 17:04 idle3 -> idle3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      107 Sep  7 17:04 idle3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      222 Sep  7 17:04 pip3
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      222 Sep  7 17:04 pip3.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        8 Sep  7 17:04 pydoc3 -> pydoc3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root       92 Sep  7 17:04 pydoc3.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root        9 Sep  7 17:04 python3 -> python3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12650336 Sep  7 17:04 python3.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       17 Sep  7 17:04 python3.6-config -> python3.6m-config
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12650336 Sep  7 17:04 python3.6m
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root     3105 Sep  7 17:04 python3.6m-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       16 Sep  7 17:04 python3-config -> python3.6-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       10 Sep  7 17:04 pyvenv -> pyvenv-3.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root      449 Sep  7 17:04 pyvenv-3.6

[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3

[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# python -V
Python 2.7.5
[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# python3 -V
Python 3.6.3

1.4 安装PIP

python3 中自带有pip3,因此只需要添加pip3的软链接即可

[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip3

[root@pyrk_taos Python-3.6.3]# pip3 -V
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/local/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages (python 3.6)

2 安装
[root@pyrk-taos ~]# ll
total 42324
-rw-------. 1 root root     1259 May 21 01:39 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 25755357 Sep  7 00:14 Python-3.9.7.tgz
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  8327463 Sep  6 22:57 TDengine-client-
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  9246235 Sep  6 22:57 TDengine-server-

2.1 安装服务端

2.1.1 安装

[root@pyrk-taos ~]# rpm -ivh TDengine-server- 
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:tdengine-             ################################# [100%]
Start to install TDengine...
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/taosd.service.

System hostname is: pyrk-taos

Enter FQDN:port (like of an existing TDengine cluster node to join
OR leave it blank to build one:

Enter your email address for priority support or enter empty to skip: 

To configure TDengine : edit /etc/taos/taos.cfg
To start TDengine     : sudo systemctl start taosd
To access TDengine    : taos -h pyrk-taos to login into TDengine server

TDengine is installed successfully!

2.1.2 重启、自启动

[root@pyrk-taos ~]# systemctl status taosd
● taosd.service - TDengine server service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/taosd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
[root@pyrk-taos ~]# systemctl start taosd
[root@pyrk-taos ~]# systemctl status taosd
● taosd.service - TDengine server service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/taosd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-09-07 00:41:04 CST; 5s ago
  Process: 14403 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/taos/bin/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 14411 (taosd)
   CGroup: /system.slice/taosd.service
           └─14411 /usr/bin/taosd

Sep 07 00:41:04 pyrk-taos systemd[1]: Starting TDengine server service...
Sep 07 00:41:04 pyrk-taos systemd[1]: Started TDengine server service.
Sep 07 00:41:04 pyrk-taos TDengine:[14411]: Starting TDengine service...
Sep 07 00:41:04 pyrk-taos TDengine:[14411]: Started TDengine service successfully.

2.2 安装连接器

2.2.1 安装驱动 执行安装脚本
[root@pyrk-taos ~]# tar -xzvf TDengine-client-

[root@pyrk-taos TDengine-client-]# ll
total 620
drwxrwxr-x  6 1000 1000    104 Aug 16 19:06 connector
drwxrwxr-x  2 1000 1000     34 Aug 16 19:06 driver
drwxrwxr-x 10 1000 1000     98 Aug 16 19:06 examples
-rwxrwxr-x  1 1000 1000  10079 Aug 16 19:06
-rw-rw-r--  1 1000 1000 619646 Aug 16 19:06 taos.tar.gz
[root@pyrk-taos TDengine-client-]# sh 
There are already installed TDengine server, so don't need install client! 配置


[root@pyrk_taos TDengine-client-]# vi /etc/taos/taos.cfg 

[root@pyrk_taos TDengine-client-]# cat /etc/taos/taos.cfg 
#                                                      #
#                  TDengine Configuration              #
#   Any questions, please email   #
#                                                      #

# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system
firstEp                   pyrk_taos:6030

# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
fqdn                      pyrk_taos

2.2.2 安装连接器

[root@pyrk_taos TDengine-client-]# pip3 install /root/TDengine-client-


[root@pyrk_taos_c python]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 pyrk_taos

3 测试

3.1 测试数据

安装超级测试表,执行这条命令大概需要几分钟,最后共插入 1 亿条记录。

[root@pyrk_taos TDengine-client-]# taosdemo

taosdemo is simulating data generated by power equipments monitoring...

user:                       root
password:                   taosdata
resultFile:                 ./output.txt
thread num of insert data:  10
thread num of create table: 10
top insert interval:        0
number of records per req:  30000
max sql length:             1048576
database count:             1
  database[0] name:      test
  drop:                  yes
  replica:               1
  precision:             ms
  super table count:     1
  super table[0]:
      stbName:           meters
      autoCreateTable:   no
      childTblExists:    no
      childTblCount:     10000
      childTblPrefix:    d
      dataSource:        rand
      iface:             taosc
      insertRows:        10000
      interlaceRows:     0
      disorderRange:     1000
      disorderRatio:     0
      maxSqlLen:         1048576
      timeStampStep:     1
      startTimestamp:    2017-07-14 10:40:00.000
      columnCount:       3
column[0]:FLOAT column[1]:INT column[2]:FLOAT 
      tagCount:            2
        tag[0]:INT tag[1]:BINARY(16) 

         Press enter key to continue or Ctrl-C to stop

create database test success!

Spent 3.4730 seconds to create 10000 tables with 10 thread(s)

thread[1] has currently inserted rows: 3960000, affected rows: 3960000
thread[3] has currently inserted rows: 4020000, affected rows: 4020000
thread[0] has currently inserted rows: 4110000, affected rows: 4110000
thread[2] has currently inserted rows: 3990000, affected rows: 3990000
thread[4] has currently inserted rows: 4000000, affected rows: 4000000
thread[6] has currently inserted rows: 4160000, affected rows: 4160000
thread[9] has currently inserted rows: 4190000, affected rows: 4190000
thread[7] has currently inserted rows: 4180000, affected rows: 4180000
thread[5] has currently inserted rows: 3970000, affected rows: 3970000
thread[8] has currently inserted rows: 4230000, affected rows: 4230000
thread[1] has currently inserted rows: 8390000, affected rows: 8390000
thread[3] has currently inserted rows: 8250000, affected rows: 8250000
thread[0] has currently inserted rows: 8450000, affected rows: 8450000
thread[6] has currently inserted rows: 8360000, affected rows: 8360000
thread[4] has currently inserted rows: 8340000, affected rows: 8340000
thread[9] has currently inserted rows: 8610000, affected rows: 8610000
thread[5] has currently inserted rows: 8220000, affected rows: 8220000
thread[2] has currently inserted rows: 8310000, affected rows: 8310000
thread[7] has currently inserted rows: 8580000, affected rows: 8580000
thread[8] has currently inserted rows: 8590000, affected rows: 8590000
====thread[9] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 154229.77 records/second====
====thread[7] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 153557.38 records/second====
====thread[8] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 152720.12 records/second====
====thread[0] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 152510.76 records/second====
====thread[1] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150841.90 records/second====
====thread[6] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150684.99 records/second====
====thread[2] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150558.56 records/second====
====thread[4] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150434.65 records/second====
====thread[3] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150422.04 records/second====
====thread[5] completed total inserted rows: 10000000, total affected rows: 10000000. 150085.13 records/second====
Spent 71.70 seconds to insert rows: 100000000, affected rows: 100000000 with 10 thread(s) into test.meters. 1394700.14 records/second

insert delay, avg:      65.97ms, max:     362.39ms, min:      11.73ms

3.2 命令行:测试

[root@pyrk_taos TDengine-client-]# taos

Welcome to the TDengine shell from Linux, Client Version:
Copyright (c) 2020 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.
taos> select count(*) from test.meters;
       count(*)        |
             100000000 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.267098s)
taos>  select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.meters;
       avg(current)        | max(voltage) |      min(phase)      |
               9.981330951 |          224 |              0.31944 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.197638s)
taos> select count(*) from test.meters where location="beijing";
       count(*)        |
              50000000 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.059210s)
taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.meters where groupId=10;
Query OK, 0 row(s) in set (0.001007s)

taos> select avg(current), max(voltage), min(phase) from test.d10 interval(10s);
           ts            |       avg(current)        | max(voltage) |      min(phase)      |
 2017-07-14 10:40:00.000 |               9.981338157 |          224 |              0.31944 |
Query OK, 1 row(s) in set (0.001360s)

3.3 文件

3.3.1 测试文件

[root@pyrk_taos python]# pwd

[root@pyrk_taos python]# ll
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 2 1000 1000   30 Aug 16 19:06 PYTHONConnectorChecker
-rw-rw-r-- 1 1000 1000 2454 Aug 16 19:06
drwxrwxr-x 2 1000 1000   66 Aug 16 19:06 taosdemo

3.3.2 PYTHON文件

This is the sample code for TDengine python2 client.
import taos
import sys
import datetime
import random

def exitProgram(conn):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_time = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1)
    time_interval = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)

    # Connect to TDengine server.
    # parameters:
    # @host     : TDengine server IP address 
    # @user     : Username used to connect to TDengine server
    # @password : Password 
    # @database : Database to use when connecting to TDengine server
    # @config   : Configuration directory
    if len(sys.argv)>1:
        conn = taos.connect(host=hostname, user="root", password="taosdata", config="/etc/taos")
        conn = taos.connect(host="", user="root", password="taosdata", config="/etc/taos")
    # Generate a cursor object to run SQL commands
    c1 = conn.cursor()
    # Create a database named db
        c1.execute('create database if not exists db ')
    except Exception as err:
    # use database
        c1.execute('use db')
    except Exception as err:

    # create table
        c1.execute('create table if not exists t (ts timestamp, a int, b float, c binary(20))')
    except Exception as err:

    # insert data 
    for i in range(10):
           value = c1.execute("insert into t values ('%s', %d, %f, '%s')" % (start_time, random.randint(1,10), random.randint(1,10)/10.0, 'hello'))
           #if insert, value is the affected rows
        except Exception as err:
        start_time += time_interval

    # query data and return data in the form of list
        c1.execute('select * from db.t')
    except Exception as err:

    # Column names are in c1.description list
    cols = c1.description
    # Use fetchall to fetch data in a list
    data = c1.fetchall()

    for col in data:

    print('Another query method ')

        c1.execute('select * from db.t')
    except Exception as err:

    # Use iterator to go through the retreived data
    for col in c1:


3.3.3 执行PYTHON文件

[root@pyrk_taos python]# python3 
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 0), 10, 0.4000000059604645, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 1), 7, 0.4000000059604645, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 2), 5, 0.5, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 3), 9, 0.8999999761581421, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 4), 1, 0.10000000149011612, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 5), 1, 0.8999999761581421, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 6), 8, 0.800000011920929, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 7), 10, 0.30000001192092896, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 8), 8, 0.800000011920929, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 9), 3, 0.5, 'hello')
Another query method 
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 0), 10, 0.4000000059604645, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 1), 7, 0.4000000059604645, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 2), 5, 0.5, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 3), 9, 0.8999999761581421, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 4), 1, 0.10000000149011612, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 5), 1, 0.8999999761581421, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 6), 8, 0.800000011920929, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 7), 10, 0.30000001192092896, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 8), 8, 0.800000011920929, 'hello')
(datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 1, 0, 9), 3, 0.5, 'hello')
